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Friday, January 20, 2006

Someone Please Take Me Away From Here

I don't think I work with one normal person. The old woman to my right is paranoid they are giong to fire her. I am constantly being asked if I've heard any rumors about them getting rid of her, or if I think she will lose her job. I'm so tired of it. I just want to tell her to "GET A CLUE!". What are you suppose to say to someone like that. She is constantly complaining to others than we don't like her. Guess what! She's right! But we occassionally go out of our way to include her in lunch plans, conversations, and the like. She always finds a way out. How do you include someone that goes out of their way not to be included.

Then there is the analyst supreme! She thinks she is the most important, knowledgable person in our department. Lord help the person that interrupts her, or doesn't do things her way. She is scared to death of doing one thing other than what she does, and she refuses to let you have any of that wealth of knowledge found in the tiny head of hers. She is scared to death they might ask her to do something more and that would be such an imposition!

Then we have the only male in our little group. He is oblivious. He has absolutely no clue as to what goes on around him. He tries to stir things up every once in awhile by acting as if he rules his house with an iron fist and that the man is the supreme being. In truth, he reminds me of Squiggy from Laverne and Shirley. (He looks like sqiggy.) And if he believed half of what comes out of his mouth he wouldn't have a wife!

Okay, so I'm done venting for the moment. I did say, for the moment. I will try to get a few pictures on this page over the weekend, but you never know. There may be something good on T.V. that keeps my attention for the entire weekend. That would mean that I would be lying around in my pajamas all weekend and never lift a finger. Boy, that's the life!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The first rule of blogging:
Never write anything that you wouldn't want your boss to read.

2/05/2006 9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more anonymous. I have a family member who vented too much in her blog and it all came back to bite her when she lost her job! So, yeah, be careful!

2/24/2006 3:13 PM  

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