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Thursday, January 26, 2006

My Jeep broke down today. Went to go home from work, and was stuck! Why is it the car never breaks down in the mornings, before you leave the house? Then I could call and say that I couldn't make it in! But no, mine has to break down at work, so I can't go home. Really irritating!

Tomorrow is weigh in day. I don't think I've done too well this week. Every time I go on a diet my husband starts making trips to Dairy Queen, or suggests we go to the Japanese steak house for dinner. I swear, I can go on a diet and not tell a sole. The day I start I'll come home and he will have brought home girl scout cookies, or badgered our daughter into baking a cake. The laugh is on him this time though. He went to the doctor the other day and got his blood work back today. She said that is is anemic and must start eating better. He blames me for not cooking enough. I blame is love affair with Little Debbie!

My son is out of jail. Still don't know if they will revoke his probation yet. He had to go back to court last Monday. The judge wanted to know what he did all day since he dropped out of school. His response? Hang out at home. That's a lie. In the last year he has spent less than one month total at home. I guess he was ashamed to tell the judge he had been hanging out with druggies and theives! Come to find out that since he went on probation in June, he has reported to his probation officer once! He wants to lay around here all day like this is a hotel. I have news for him. His time is running out! I can't take it much longer. He has no drive or ambition. It's time to grow up!

My daughter brought home a "C" on her report card. She is a feshman in high school this year. If the "C" had been in home ec, I'd understand. But it was in College English! If my son was in school and brought home a "C" I'd be proud of him. I guess we have a double standard in this house.

Our oldest son got married seven weeks ago. They are so young. I don't know how to make them understand that the decisions they make now are going to affect thier future together. She doesn't want to work, and I can understand that, but it takes two these days. She needs to work for a few years before they start having kids. And our son needs to learn that you can't live on $9.00 hour. They are living in a house rent free. He's the only one working. They don't even have cable. They don't have much more they can cut back on. I guess they'll figure it out. I just hope they don't learn the hard way.

I've become addicted to this game site. I ended up buying a years membership. I lost over 200,000 tokens playing Texas Hold 'Em. I think I might have a gambling problem. How did I ever think a pair of twos and a pair of fours would win a hand! Oh well!


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