Normally Abnormal

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Saturday, December 31, 2005

In The Beginning

I spend a lot of time on the computer. I spend a lot of time venting about my job, family, etc.. So....why not combine the two. So, as part of my New Year's resolytion I thought I would spend a little time and create this blog as a place to share the things I'm proud of, and a place to vent on the every day things that just piss me off. You know the things I'm talking about. 20 items in the express line at the grocery store. My gas bill jumping $200.00 last month. The cranky old woman that sits next to me at work who thinks everyone in the department is out to get her. We all have things that just get under our skin. Well, I decided to vent about those things here.

Then there are the strange websites that I run across. Like this one: . This site shows a hoax email claiming people died in Florida after being bitten by a spider under the toilet seat in a restaurant. Who thinks of these things? Ready for a vacation? The next time you need a well-deserved vacation, consider staying at the Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast ( ) at Fall River, Massachusetts. "Experience First Hand A Piece of Grisly 1890's Americana." Stay in the Andrew and Abbey Borden Suite for $219.40 a night, with a minimum stay of two nights. Extra bonus: the place is reputed to be haunted. Now there's a vacation spot I can't wait to get to.

Wally's Weird Web Site, you can pick one of 75 voice personalities, type in your message, and Weird Wally will produce your custom voice message (free if under 20 words). Pick from voices such as Alfred Hitchcock, Edith Bunker, or Forrest Gump.

That ought to give you plenty to do while I spend my New Year's Eve looking for more weird and unusual web sites. I just can't believe the things you can find on the internet.