Normally Abnormal

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Saturday, April 08, 2006

What are kids thinking these days?

My hubby and I were on our way to the grocery store yesterday when a city cop pulled us over. Well, not really. Turns out he is a friend of hubby's and was teasing us about our expired license plates. Through the course of conversation, however, we learned that our 18 year old son has been sneaking my Jeep out at night. One, our son can't be trusted. Two, his license is suspended. Three, after all the crap he has pulled, there is no way in hell that I would allow him to use any of our vehicles. But when confronted with the information that we knew he had taken the jeep, did he admit to it? No! He tried telling us that our cop friend is a liar!!! Does he really believe that we are going to take his word over a city cop? If anyone else had told us, we may have doubted it, but not this friend.

And that just topped off a lovely day! Work sucks! I'm so sick of the people I work with. Well, not all of them. But several of them. The old woman next to me is driving me insane. She is constantly listening to my conversations. If I'm talking and she can't hear it she thinks that we are talking about her. Let me just say, that I have much more interesting things to discuss than her. And I damn sure wouldn't sit at my desk 3 feet away from her to talk behind her back. She actually had the nerve to go to one of our managers and tell her that I never work. That I'm loud and obnoxious (which I am), and basically trashed me to the manager! I'm furious. Thank heaven, my manager knows the truth, and that I always get my job done! Perhaps next week will be better!!